My stepdad Brian x

Created by Louise 3 years ago
I must of been 8 or 9 years old when you walked into my life , you married my mum and became mine and my brothers stepdad , you worked hard but also played hard we enjoyed many family times together going on holiday and special occassions at home , you did like a drink and as a child i remember you coming home every friday night which was pay day , after being at the pub being a very silly happy drunk .You let me cut your hair with the big yellow kitchen scissors and let me smash an egg on your head which as a child i found hilarious and the time mum poured baked beans over your head cos you demanded your dinner is a memory il always have. We had our run ins not seeing eye to eye but you were always there to pick me up late at night and give me lifts and you always refered to me as your daughter . My heart broke when you and mum split up and i remember you coming to my house and i just cried , you are and always will be sams grandad as that is all he has ever known , today we laid you to rest sleep well brian , we will miss you very much you are very loved xxx